
Ruth Napier Joins the VCMO Network as Fractional CMO

9 Sep
September 9, 2024
 min video
9 Sep

London & Bristol, UK — VCMO Limited, a pioneer in fractional marketing leadership, today announced Ruther Napier as its latest member joining as Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO).

Ruth brings significant expertise to the VCMO network having held senior marketing and business development roles across the professional services sector. She is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a Certified SOSTAC® Planner.

Prior to becoming a Fractional CMO, Ruth operated as Director of Marketing for Payne Hicks Beach where she successfully set up their first marketing function, led a rebrand and transformed their digital presence. Prior to that, Ruth was Director of Business Development and Marketing at Cripps where she led profitable growth and numerous transformation projects.

Operating as a Fractional CMO as part of the VCMO network, Ruth will support privately-owned and investor-backed businesses that operate without a full-time marketing leader or navigating significant marketing transition.

The appointment sees VCMO strengthen its presence in London having already established a presence in Bristol, Oxford, Manchester and Northern Ireland.

Paul Mills, CEO and Founder of VCMO, said: “I’m thrilled that Ruth has joined the VCMO network where her expertise will be highly sought after by professional services businesses that want to gain a competitive advantage through the fractional leadership model.

Speaking about joining the VCMO network, Ruth commented: “The VCMO network brings top expertise into the affordable, accessible and advantageous bracket for ambitious businesses looking to grow. I’m excited to join Paul, to be part of the network that is transforming access to marketing excellence - and to help clients chart their next course, take the brakes off, open up their marketing throttle and take flight.”

About VCMO

VCMO helps SMEs and portfolio companies with the high-level marketing leadership they need to grow and succeed across the full business lifecycle. Its roster of highly accredited Fractional Chief Marketing Officers brings the expertise, strategy and execution to transform marketing potential into a competitive advantage that delivers predictable revenue and sustainable growth.

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